For nearly 30 years I have been helping women transform their skin and appearance through my businesses, Peaches ‘n’ Cream Boutique, Peaches ‘n’ Cream Spa and iBiLe Ageless Skin Essentials.
Everywhere I go, people always compliment me on how great I look and this has been consistent for years. It gets more interesting when they discover I am above the age they ascribe to me.
While I have helped over a thousand women through my businesses, I have also taught on different forums but I have never shared my secrets in print.
So for the first time, I have published a book that will help you look younger in 21 days.
Yes, you will literally be reversing your age in 21 days.
The title of the book is “21 Days To Younger Skin” which was launched on April 9th 2023
In the book you will learn:
1. Easy, effective, and affordable routines for your skin.
2. How to overcome your apprehension to using skincare products.
3. Lifestyle habits that support healthy skin.
4. That skincare is also self care.
5. How to achieve envy-worthy skin.
And more…
These are secrets I have used to help me look youthful as I grow older.
And you will be having access to them when you order the book.
No matter where you are on your skin Journey, this book has something just for you. It will make your life easier, your skin clearer and give you a truckload of confidence.